Processeur Intel Core i5-8350U 8 Go de mémoire DDR4 2400 MHz (1.70GHz, 6MB) Disque dur de 256GB SSD SATA III Connexion Gigabit Ethernet 720p HD Camera Intel UHD 620, Intel 8265 ac Interface : usb 3.0; HDMI; RJ45 Wifi, Bluetooth
windows 10
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Processeur Intel Core i5-8350U 8 Go de mémoire DDR4 2400 MHz (1.70GHz, 6MB) Disque dur de 256GB SSD SATA III Connexion Gigabit Ethernet 720p HD Camera Intel UHD 620, Intel 8265 ac Interface : usb 3.0; HDMI; RJ45 Wifi, Bluetooth